Tuesday, March 26, 2013

#83 of 365 for March 26, 2013

I am trying to improve my people photography.  Working especially on posing people in the most flattering position regardless of their body size, looking around where ever I happen to be and finding a place to shoot, and trying to get focus, exposure, and composition right in the camera.  The white area you see just to the right of the subjects head (camera left) is snow....  I am thinking maybe I should clone this out.... does it draw your attention?  I re-edited it, cloning out the snot of snow.  Scroll down to see the new version. 



  1. it does catch my attention - I thought it was like a concrete slab until you identified it. But I think this is a really great photo - your husband?

  2. It is a bit distracting, might be better cloned out.
    Nice shot of his face.

  3. I think you did a great job of capturing the pose. Try cloning it out and see if it makes a difference in the way you view his eyes.

  4. Thank You Garden Cat, Brenda, and Susan! I re-edited and added the 2nd version.

    Susan - Yes it is my husband. He hates having his picture taken, he was such a good sport to let me practice on him :)

  5. Well done - and I agree with the others on cloning out the snow. It wasn't that much of a distraction - but is improved without it.

  6. Another thing that is improved for me, in the second shot, is his jacket. Don't know if it is just my screen but in the first shot his jacket was doing a sort of strobing thing...not really strobing but a weird effect with the pattern. In the second one it is gone.

  7. Hmmm you are right Gardencat..... don't know what caused that, I didn't see that till you pointed it out. Thank You!

    Thank You Nicki!
